Recently, I created a Sales Dashboard at my company, Lovelytics, that incorporates a modern UI design. There were many questions from the community on how to achieve the interactivity as well as the various visual elements of the dashboard. To answer those questions, Lovelytics and I hosted a webinar where I explained the construction of the dashboard from beginning to end. The design process discussed during the webinar followed the 5 Design Secrets for a Non-Designer:
Gather Requirements
Create a Template (
Incorporate Icons (
Choose Colors that Matter
Keep Fonts Simple
For each element above, I provided details on how to implement them within Tableau and Figma (UI design tool). These guidelines were specifically created while keeping the "non-designer" in mind. Check out the recording of the webinar below!
Interact with the Dashboard
Click the image to view the dashboard on Tableau Public
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Happy Vizzing!
Chantilly Jaggernauth
This is amazing. What do you do to stop the rendering of the background image on the server/public profile. I always face the rendering issue
SO MUCH GREAT INFORMATION here, THANK YOU very much Chantilly!
This was fantastic...thank you for sharing and for your innovation and collaboration.